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Monday, 5 September 2011

Poor people should not be allowed to give birth

Poor people should not be allowed to give birth yes that is what i think although i know that most of u will disagree but for me it is a simple fact that a child is not a property of parents and if a person does not have enough money (in advance ) to afford the basic needs of the child (food,education,shelter) for atleast 3 years he does not have the right to make the child suffer.
yes i understand the rights of the poor point but what about the child.all i am saying is that there should be atleast some minimum criteria for being eligible to have a child after all whole life of a human being is at stake.
do they deserve this
i would like to know your views

A Week of Support for People’s War in India”

In India the people’s war is intensifying day by day. Led by the Maoist Communist Party of India it involves and has the support of millions of poor farmers, women, masses of untouchables, and now controls about ten States of the Confederation of India.
That’s a people’s war against poverty, feudal capitalistic exploitation, in the regions where most acute are the contradictions produced by the turbulent development of plundering resources, caste oppression and exploitation, by the Indian capital linked to imperialism.
With the help and support of the imperialists and especially the American imperialists, the Indian reactionary ruling classes are trying to suffocate the revolutionary movement, carrying out huge atrocities, whose barbarism there is no precedent.
The Indian government on behalf of imperialism describes the People’s War as the greatest threat to internal security, and launched against it across the country an unprecedented offensive, under the name of “Operation Green Hunt” with a large deployment of ultra-armed troops, Police and paramilitary forces trying to sow terror and genocide in the peoples of India, through raids, indiscriminate destruction, rapes and mass murders, arrests and disappearances, trying to assassinate the leaders, as occurred with Comrade Azad, a top Maoist leaders of the CPI(M). All this with the illusion of drowning in blood the struggle of a people for liberation.
But the Indian popular masses unite in the People’s War, giving rise to large protests and strikes against rising prices, corruption and state terrorism.
The imperialist governments, the United States, Europe, Russia, and their mass media support the criminal action of the Indian government; but in these countries also grows complaint and solidarity.
The Indian masses, led by the Maoist Communist Party of India, are writing an historical page in the class struggle in the current world.
The development of people’s war in India confirms that the revolution today is the main trend in the world and that Maoism assumes the role of command and leadership in the new wave of world revolution against the imperialism in crisis.
The proletariat of the whole world realizes that the advancement of people’s war in India calls into question not only the balance of power in the south Asian region but also in the disposition of the imperialist world system.
The International Committee in support of the people’s war launches a great international campaign, to be conducted in all forms, in most number of countries as possible, through a week of action, from 2nd to 9th April 2011.
This campaign is and must be the expression of proletarian internationalism and advancement of the unity of the international proletariat, of revolutionaries, democratic forces and the oppressed nations and peoples around the world.

India, a Rich Country Inhibited by the Hungry Poor!

Since 1992 India is on the path of economic resurgence, it has become third largest economy in Southeast Asia after China and Japan, and yet there are more hungry people in India than in Sudan. It may be a shocking revelation, but sadly true, India ranks 67th among 84 developing nations in the International Food Policy Research Institute’s annual “Global Hunger Index” for 2010. How shameful even smaller countries like Nepal, Sri Lanka, Sudan, North Korea and Pakistan rank higher than India. Nearly 42 percent of world’s underweight children under the age of five live in India and about 48 percent have stunted growth due to malnutrition and starvation.
As the Indian economy is growing fast, the population of undernourished is growing faster. At the beginning of liberalisation era in the 90’s nearly 24 percent population was undernourished as compared with 44 percent in 2003-08. No wonder infant mortality rate and of children under the age of five is much higher in India. In terms of Global Hunger Index (GHI), India’s composite GHI of 24 percent has been classified as alarming in terms of food security situation. How do the worthy economists of our country view this situation? What policy the Govt has to subdue hunger pangs of the undernourished millions? Ironically, increase in per capita income has not given any relief to the starving population- ‘mahangai dayan khai jaat hai’.

Tons and tons of food grains rot in the FCI godowns every year and eaten by the rodents, but our Agriculture Minister say ‘no’ to the needy poor. He is not agreeable to free distribution of grains despite Supreme Court’s directions. The Government hasn’t shown magnanimity for the undernourished and underprivileged poor of the country, even the Prime Minister has sided with the Agriculture Minister because of his compulsions best known to him.
Food is as important for survival as air and water. The spiralling price rise of food items has made it difficult for a common man to have two square coarse meals, forget about nutritious meals. The poor’s access to food is dwindling more rapidly. Government’s policy about food security is yet to see the light of the day as the policymakers are fighting over the need to have an ‘expensive’ National Food Security Act.